Why Our Air Filters Are Right For You

Not all air filters are created equal. As an HVAC technician I have seen just about every air filter on the market, in just about every condition imaginable. Some are just freaking disgusting and I have the feeling you know what I’m talking about. If you are reading this right now I assume you are either interested in having superior Indoor Air Quality in your home or you messed up really bad once and forgot to change your air filter. Hopefully it was just once and didn’t cost you an arm and a leg in repairs. If it did however, after reading this you will feel much more comfortable knowing grabfilters has you covered.

So why buy our filters? Well, we ship the very best air filters on the market to your door – plain and simple. Honestly, as an HVAC technician with pretty high standards when it comes to protecting a system I service, finding the right supplier was key to grabfilters success. I looked for filters that were antimicrobial so they don’t allow for mold growth. I wanted high quality, commercial-grade materials to ensure rigidity so the filters don’t buckle or bow and as many pleats as possible to trap more allergens than the rest. Trust me, I have vetted the competition for the last 16 years in my trade and these are the filters you want. More importantly, our filters are made to order in the USA just for you. That’s right, whether you place your order today, tomorrow or sign up for auto delivery, our filters are made and packaged to be delivered just days before they arrive on your steps. This helps our economy by employing more people in the country you love to build and deliver your much needed necessities. We work very hard to make sure you love our service from start to finish and we are constantly getting positive feedback to prove that.

It’s not just quality at grabfilters, you are also getting the convenience of never having to remember when it’s time to change your air filters or what size you need to buy. Just order once or sign up for our newsletter and we will send you a monthly reminder to check your filters. Once you become a customer we will either deliver your filters on a schedule you choose or simply remind you when it’s time to reorder your filters next. We also pride ourselves on educating our customers on proper HVAC maintenance and care that will help you save money.

But that’s not all… We sell every air filter size on the market in up to five different types of filtration. We even offer custom sizes so you can order dimensions that are not readily available elsewhere. Our filters come in MERV 8, 11,12 and 13 – the highest recommended for residential use. We also feature a carbon activated air filter that absorbs household odors so you don’t have to use candles or air fresheners anymore. Read more about our different types here.

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