How to Keep Harmful Dust Out of Your Lungs

Dust seems pretty harmless. After all, it’s just dust…right?

That’s the attitude many people take toward the dust in their homes. However, dust is not just dust. It’s actually made up of particles that can cause some serious lung problems. People with allergies, asthma or COPD need to be especially aware of the dust in their homes because dust is actually an accumulation of tiny particles from things like skin cells, hair, and dander, along with dust mites and their feces. Most people with asthma test positive for dust mite allergies, so dust can quickly trigger allergy symptoms. That’s why it’s so important to keep your home as free of dust as possible. The following five steps present a winning strategy can help cut out the dust in your home—and the dust mites that feed on the stuff.


Buy a High-Quality Filter and Change it Often

If you’ve ever purchased a low-quality air filter, you’ve probably noticed how quickly it accumulates dust. Within a few days, the layer of dust on a cheap filter is so thick, it has maxed out its capacity to hold more. This is a big problem—especially for people with allergies, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease because dust can trigger such serious symptoms. One of the most important ways to prevent dust from hurting your lungs is to buy a high-quality air filter, MERV 8 rated or higher, and change it often.


Wash your Bedding and Drapes Frequently

Bedding and drapes accumulate dust quickly. These need to be washed frequently to keep dust at bay. While some bedding and window dressings can be machine washed, others need to be dry cleaned. Be sure to check the care instructions before washing drapes and comforters. Sheets are generally made to be machine washed, but not always.


Pass on Upholstered Furniture

Upholstered furniture collects dust like nothing else in the home. Because skin cells and dust mites get inside the cushions, there is really no good way to clean them in a manner that actually removes all the dust inside. Leather or faux leather seating is much better because the outer layer of covering doesn’t allow particles to get inside the cushions.


Remove Carpeting Altogether or Vacuum Regularly with a HEPA Vac

Ideally, carpeting needs to be removed and replaced with wood or laminate flooring. In homes where carpeting is necessary, vacuuming regularly with a HEPA vac is a must. Carpet fibers can actually become a new source of dust in the home, and of course, the fibers themselves collect every type of dust and debris that exists in the home.


Use Microfiber When Dusting Blinds to Capture Dust Particles

Window blinds are another area of concern. To keep your home as dust-free as possible, use microfiber to dust your blinds on a regular basis. This helps to capture  dust particles instead of sending them flying out into the room. Blinds collect dust quickly, so they need to be dusted on a regular basis.


Keeping your home dust-free is crucial for healthy lungs. And it’s especially crucial for people who can develop serious symptoms from exposure to dust particles. The steps outlined here can help prevent dust from building up in your home environment and hurting your lungs. And no one wants the surfaces in their home to be crawling with dust mites. At, we make it simple to remove the dust that’s circulating in the air by delivering air filters right to your door. Skip the trip to the big box store and order your high-quality air filters online.

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